This project, outside of Taos New Mexico, was launched in 2006 and finished in 2009.
We were approached by a local family who had been recently displaced from New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Having lost nearly everything, they were interested in creating security for their parents who had never owned a home while raising their five children. Earthship Biotecture graciously donated a set of drawings and the long process began. We executed the build in several phases with countless volunteers. The family came together and all the kids and grandkids donated time and money to help make it happen. The founders of ECOHAB made the commitment to see this project to completion with consistent follow up efforts throughout the years of construction.
Tire pounding - earth is pounded/rammed into tires to create the retaining wall of the building whilst also creating a large amount of thermal mass.
Solar panels and a south facing orientation with large windows help to passively heat, cool and provide energy for the residence.
Thriving food production fed by the grey water system.
Operable roof vents are located high in the ceilings so hot air can escape and be replaced by cool air. Cool air comes in through the cooling tubes buried in the earth behind the structure and entering at the lower room level. These cooling tubes act like a passive air conditioner.
Plant life is used to filter and clean the grey water system.