Our Haitian Eco Housing Project, nicknamed La Gonave Hut Ekip, was conceived while working on a school on the island of La Gonave, Haiti. An anonymous donor from the US watched our progress from afar and contacted us wanting to get involved. As we met and chatted, it became clear that housing for La Gonave locals would be the focus of the initiative. We talked with the five most motivated and talented members of our La Gonave build crew and pitched the idea.

The Local Five, Valmont, Kaba, Prophete, Anty, and Macken, loved the concept. The plan became to pay the Local Five full time to first build houses for themselves, then expand to building houses for others in the community. Macken and Valmont already owned land so we started with those two houses first. As the other three save and acquire land we will move on to those builds. Once a house is started there is minimal monthly payback into what will become a fund for future "add ons" to the homes. This also keeps the recipients invested and responsible to the project and avoids the community stigma of "hand outs".


We utilized the same hut design as the school in the housing project. This design offers the same protection from natural disasters and the crew had already been trained in this construction.

Valmond and Prophete work on the rebar armature above the window.

We have given the team hands on training and we consult every day on progress and next moves. In person training will continue during our future visits to La Gonave. We hope one day to achieve enough funding that each of the original Local Five will have their own five person crew and continue building exponentially around La Gonave.

Macken stands in the doorway of his home.

Valmond standing in the doorway of his house.